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My name is Katarina Ishii
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. I can’t correspond through messages as freely as I would like because I prioritize my interactions to subscribers. If you do want to chat extensively, the best way to do that is by subscribing to my onlyfans. This website will hopefully give you a good idea of what to expect.
A Philosopher’s Analysis of Onlyfans
Porn is free, there’s plenty of it on the web, so why should anyone subscribe to a person’s onlyfans? There’s one core feature of onlyfans that I feel must be emphasized for the phenomenon to be properly understood — its parasocial nature
For a person’s content to be worth subscribing to, they must provide to its user base a variety of things:
1) An experience that porn cannot provide.
2) An experience that isn’t easily attainable for free in the real world.
3) A highly marketable product that is both rare and high in scarcity value.
4) An experience that is overall attractive to its consumers and consistently dispenses high quality content on a regular basis while maintaining its affordability (its content doesn’t deprecate in quality and regularity among an increasing influx in subscribers).
5) An experience that does not leave the consumer feeling exploited in any way whether it be financially or emotionally.
What are most men’s qualms with OnlyFans, what causes them to feel weird about subscribing to a woman’s content? Here are some of the reasons given by different men:
1) Porn is free, why should I pay for someone’s nudes?
2) They don’t want to objectify the woman in a purely sexual way.
3) It makes them feel weird to pay for porn.
4) They’re against OF because they feel it is inherently exploitative toward men and gives women a free reign advantage to make massive amounts of low-effort income.
5) It’s not genuine. They want to know the “real me” on a personal level. They don’t want to see themselves as a customer and actually “get to know me”.
To respond to these concerns directly one by one:
1) I don’t see myself as a sex worker or someone who is simply providing porn / nudes on her OF. I do view myself as providing a service though, but I wouldn’t say it’s primarily sexual in nature. I do try to provide men an outlet for their sexual desires, but also their intellectual and emotional ones. My inbox is always available to my subscribers for deep philosophical conversations or simply emotional expression to a non-judgmental caring listener.
2) I feel equally as objectified for my personality and intellect as I do for my physical appearance. I allow myself to be objectified in these ways and am not made uncomfortable by this fact.
3) It’s not weird because I don’t view the transaction as men paying for porn but for an “experience”, or even them providing a monthly donation as a friend who cares for my well-being. I try to reduce feelings of guilt by demonstrating that I do care for my subscriber base as friends and will gladly meet up as friends for coffee if the stars align (obviously not for sex because this isn’t prostitution). I never feel “forced” or pressured to respond to messages or talk to people, I do it because I want to and deeply enjoy these stimulating discussions.
4) This take is just anti-sex work and anti-women, plain and simple. Women are only utilizing the market that men created and continue to sustain. It’s men who create this increased demand for sexual labor and it’s women who supply the product. What harm are women contributing by having a safe method of earning independent income?
5) What type of women make an OF account? Is there a distinct kind of “OF girl” that can easily be differentiated from what you’d call a “normal girl”? No, there isn’t. Women have many different reasons for making an OF account and are led toward this path by an unique array of individual circumstances, so no real generalizations can be made about common features that OF content creators supposedly share.
OF feels less genuine to certain men because they’re paying for a service. They feel their relationship with me is commodified and that this prevents them from getting to know the “real me”. Let me be the first to tell you that there is no such thing as an Authentic self. I feel everyone plays a specific role catered to various situations and contexts. I do sometimes see “core features” of who I believe myself to be that have remained consistent over a long period of time but I still wouldn’t go as far as call that “authentically who I am” as a person. The individual you message over OF is as authentically “me” as when you meet me from any other setting whether it be in real life or from a basic dating app.
I can’t say why other women make an OF, all I can do is speak for myself and why I made one. My initial reasons was due to financial struggle, I couldn’t find work and wanted to ease the burden off my aging parents who are both 70 years old. This platform is not making me rich but it is serving the important function of decreasing the amount of money I ask for from my parents which has been incredibly helpful.
As I continued to make content, I realized I was discovering different aspects of my religiously repressed sexuality on the way (I was having a sort of “sexual awakening” — I’m a late bloomer, I thought I was asexual for a majority of my life) and that I actually enjoyed doing this. OF gives me plenty of opportunity to be creative in my room decorations, developing ideas for photo or video shoots, collaboration with other content creators, and the erotic stories I write.
Why subscribe to my OF?
If you’re even reading this long-winded rant, it must mean I piqued your interest in some way whether it was initially physical from my sexually explicit posts or by reading through my posts via intellectual stimulation. I would assume it means you’re attracted to my physical appearance and feel intellectually engaged to some extent by what I have to say. This itself is already good enough reason for you to subscribe because it will then allow you greater access to a large amount of potential masturbation material and a person whose conversations you feel intellectually and emotionally stimulated by.

Myth: Subscribers are paying for friendship
People say that subscribers are paying to talk to me, as in our conversations and the friendships that have been developed from it are purely transactional and therefore not considered to be “real friendships”. I disagree. Subscribers are paying for Lewd Content, the fact that I engage in discussions with them is an act of free will on my part. Even then, I go beyond the monthly subscription price in conversation. I don’t want people to feel like they are paying to talk to me.
There is, of course, going to be financial motive on my part. (We all need money to live unfortunately). I can’t do this for free, even if I wanted to. Plus, even if I could do this for free, it probably wouldn’t be best to either — therapists don’t do what they do for free, I feel that when someone doesn’t pay for something, especially if it’s an ongoing or consistent interaction, they begin to value it less and always expect it, coming to even demand more.
It’s actually probably better that there is some transactional value mediating the relationship — they decide themselves whether the interaction is worth the subscription price and can freely choose to accept or decline. As we see with a lot of free pages, they tend to attract a lot of free loaders who feel entitled to a creator’s time and attention, more demanding with requests even if they themselves are not putting in any value that would make it worthwhile for the creator. People like free stuff, but for the most part, people usually feel better in the long term when there is some levél of investment involved. Satisfaction requires work and sacrifice.
People don’t seem to realize that the way they conceive of friendships is transactional too, they can’t say they aren’t. Maybe they’re not financially transactional but there’s still expected reciprocation on both ends. If you act as an emotionally supportive outlet to one person, you probably also expect they support you when it’s your time in need. If they fail to do this, you would most likely not call them a real friend, and the friendship would thereby be terminated.
Myth: Onlyfans girls have no self-respect
Most of the time, people will claim onlyfans girls (sex workers) have no self-respect or dignity, which justifies society’s mistreatment of them. Let’s take apart why exactly do OF creators lack self-respect, what does it mean for an individual to have it, and what are the perceived social implications of losing it. What makes sex work particularly undignified, compared to say, working long hours on a construction site or on the factory floor, barely meeting minimum wage or a part time adjunct professor that has a full schedule of classes to teach, but has to take up a part time job as a bar tender just to make ends meet?
Do you know what else isn’t dignified? Poverty. Do you know what is dignified? Making an honest living and guess what? Sex work doesn’t require deception, it doesn’t require you to steal or cheat others, it doesn’t harm others. All in all, sex work is work.
They will say, being naked on camera is what makes them lack self-respect. My question in return is, why does nudity imply a loss of dignity? This all appears connected to the religious notion of the body being a “sacred temple” and the equally archaic idea of women needing to preserve their modesty from the world besides her husband who in biblical times, was her master; he even had to pay a Dowry to her father in order to transfer ownership.
What is considered to be dignified differs from culture to culture; a woman showing her hair or wearing her skirt above the knees in a Muslim household would be seen lacking self-respect or dignity but in our Western world, she would be labeled your average girl.
Do you know what I consider to be a person without self-respect? A person who maliciously lies and cheats others shamelessly.
Their argument that OF girls lack dignity and self-respect is simply a boring reiteration of earlier religious arguments made against any action women took that moved them more in the direction of independence. OF girls lacking self-respect seems to be an ad hoc reasoning for explaining why they are against OF creators rather than a valid argument. Most of the time they fail to define what it means to lack self-respect and then proceed to claim OF creators lacking these supposed qualities justifies abuse, sexual assault, and basically makes them undeserving of basic human kindness.
If you argue “OF girls lack dignity and self respect” and your only answer is “because she gets naked on camera”. You should have a non-circular argument answering why exactly getting naked on camera entails a person lacking dignity.
What I see as their real problem:
Onlyfans makes women more independent; as a result, they are becoming less financially dependent on men. Men, in turn, feel threatened by this growing independence because they are accustomed to having this financial control over women. They are becoming alienated from this image they constructed of themselves as the “provider” or “breadwinner”. What’s equally problematic to them is that women now have more control over their own sexuality; sex is now being defined on their terms.
Myth: Onlyfans is easy money
Men claim girls have it easy. All they have to do is show their tits and men will throw buckets of cash at them. All you have to do is get nude for the camera and you’re set for life. It logically wouldn’t make sense for that to be the case: if all girls had to do was show her tits to make money, how would any individual be able to make a living if every girl was capable of doing that?
Or maybe ... just maybe there is more to having an Onlyfans account than just showing your tits.
About 80% of the job is marketing your OF profile. Sure, nudes are nice but they don’t do much for gaining subscribers or subscriber retention. There is a cornucopia of nudes and free porn on the internet. What you’re trying to convince people is that despite all that, they should pay money for what you offer. Personality marketing is crucial to having an OF account. All the sexy stuff is honestly secondary because at the end of the day, as men just love to remind you, porn is free and so you must offer a service that porn doesn’t which must consist of something more personalized and catered to the individual.
Reasons Not to Subscribe and My Responses
— An abundance of free high quality porn on the internet
I don’t just offer porn, I offer interaction, customs, AND porn (among other things). Sure, you can get porn for free but can you get your favorite porn star to make a custom video personalized to your particular kinks? Can you make her say she’s your submissive Asian slut? I didn’t think so.
— Stigma about feeling like you need to pay for sexual activity
You’re not a simp for subscribing to a girl’s onlyfans. What you’re doing is actively supporting the creator of the content you enjoy. Assuming OF is strictly porn (which it isn’t), wouldn’t it be better to actually support the people who take an active role in making the content you consume instead of letting it all go to a big name company like Pornhub?
— Fear of a bad investment
I make my OF for the first month at a discounted rate so you can check me out without spending much money at all. I also have a free page that can give you a preview of my paid content.